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 The ongoing military assault in Ukraine sparks mass Jews exodus.

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Join date : 2015-05-20

The ongoing military assault in Ukraine sparks mass Jews exodus. Empty
PostSubject: The ongoing military assault in Ukraine sparks mass Jews exodus.   The ongoing military assault in Ukraine sparks mass Jews exodus. EmptyWed 20 May 2015, 5:55 am

EJA report: unlawful calls for forced banishing of Jews in every big city across Ukraine, barbarian destroying of Jewish historical and cultural monuments, compulsory closures of Jewish organizations and schools, revocation of licenses from newspapers in Hebrew and Yiddish. Jews in Ukraine are seeking escape. The Ukrainian authorities still refuse to see any humanitarian problems...

doubtingsteven . blogspot . de/2015/05/jewish-exodus-from-ukraine . html
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The ongoing military assault in Ukraine sparks mass Jews exodus.
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