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 One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition

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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyMon 11 Jan 2010, 4:19 pm

Well, it's a start. But I'd argue that the actual list is quite a bit longer. Interesting to see one person's perspective.

Quote :
The "great" Alan Watt warns us that those seeking real truth are given our "leaders".. they swoop in with amazing, never-before-seen or heard nuggest of truth. We latch on to them -- often treat 'em as hereos... only to be ultimately spun into la la land about 6 to 12 monhts later. He's right on the money...

Over the years, I've been fooled by just about every "truther" out there. Here's my personal list of controlled opposition:

  • All Patriot Radio hosts
  • Alan Watt - The "Ultimate Gatekeeper"
  • Andrew Napolitano
  • Alex Jones
  • Barry Zwicker
  • Benjamin Fulford
  • Bill Deagle
  • Bob Bowman
  • Chris Simcox
  • Craig Oxley
  • Dave Emory
  • David Icke
  • David Ray Griffin
  • David Shayler
  • David Suzuki
  • David Wilcock
  • Dylon Avery (Loose Change)
  • Finton Dunn
  • "Genghis" (Scott Vincent)
  • Gerald Celente
  • Glenn Beck
  • Greg Palast
  • Jack McLamb - Member of CNP (Council for National Policy)
  • Jerome Corsi - Member of CNP (Council for National Policy)
  • Jeff Rense
  • Jeffrey Hill (a.k.a. Shure)
  • Jeff Schwilk
  • Jim Gilchrist
  • Josh Jones
  • Keith Hansen (a.k.a. Vyzygoth)
  • Keith Olbermann
  • Kevin Barrett
  • James (Jimi) Walbert
  • James Stachowiak
  • Lenny Bloom
  • Leo Zagami
  • Loooooong (aka Amor Mohadi)
  • Linda Hunnicutt
  • Lou Dobbs
  • Meria Heller
  • Michael Moore
  • Michael Tsarion
  • Nico Haupt
  • Paula Gloria
  • Red Ice Creations
  • Richard Gage
  • Robert McClary
  • Robert Steele ("ex" CIA)
  • Ron Paul
  • Sean Penn
  • Simon Shack
  • Get the Flash Player to see this player.
  • Stephen Eichler
  • Steve Mason
  • Steven Jones
  • Stew Webb
  • Texe Marrs
  • Thomas Richards
  • Tom Flocco
  • Tom Henegan
  • Webfairy (Rosalee Grable)
  • Webster Tarpley
  • William Rodrequiz

By the way...
If anyone on this list would like to defend themselves, I'd be happy to setup a recorded chat to discuss... just email me at truthsleuthemail [at] gmail.com
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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyWed 13 Jan 2010, 3:02 am

I still "don't get" Alan Watt's role in this matrix. I disagree with him on a couple of points, like the b.s. about chemtrails. Maybe he has to include some things like that in order to be allowed to broadcast. But overall, his approach seems to be the best one for most comfortably nudging towards awakening. He probably has more truth compared to the rest of the vectors, and has the correct major focus on the tax system.

Why is he called the "Ultimate Gatekeeper"?
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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyWed 13 Jan 2010, 11:18 pm

In summary, my primary problem with Watt is that he provides very low quality and incomplete information that leads his listeners down a dead end road, toward helplessness, possible depression, and more magical thinking (ie. the Masons run the world). In general, he does not steer his listeners in directions that will allow them to attain critical consciousness, ultimately thinking for themselves. I view him as someone who creates an endless dependency for the audience on the cult personality.

For example, Watt tells his listeners about key figures such as Theodor Adorno, but insead of walking his listeners down the road of the Dialectic of Mass Enlightenment and the myriad of his other important work, he merely stresses that Adorno wrote the music for the Beatles, which I have been unable to confirm in any event.

But I think the kicker is when one comes to understand what it is that Watt actually believes, or says that he believes, and that is the "writings" of Glenn Kealey, who supposedly published these beliefs in a newspaper bulletin years before Watt began his talk show career.

Here's a reasonably extensive document that shows that Watt got some of his material form Kealey, and what the beliefs are that are being espoused by Watt, including the notion that "Freemasons are 'freed slaves'of a race of subterranean secret creators of our civilization called Troglodytes."

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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyThu 14 Jan 2010, 12:15 am

Quote :
Freemasons are 'freed slaves'of a race of subterranean secret creators of our civilization called Troglodytes.

Why do you hate troglodytes so much IP? Wink

Great list, I hope to hear some of those listed defend themselves.
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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyThu 14 Jan 2010, 1:16 am

Jon Stewart
Bill Maher
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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyThu 14 Jan 2010, 11:23 pm

Hello men. I'm the guy who wrote the controlled opposition post at my site.

My name is Mark Allen.

I'm glad I found this forum - although I'm very, very shy as most forums have been totally infiltrated by the military... here's where it starts:


And here's a live listing of psyops proving that the military is always hunting for paid sh*t stirrers:

(Keep in mind this is just in Florida!)

Anyhow, I'd love to talk to you guys. I'm available by phone, by chat or by email.

And about this list of controlled opposition... I stopped compiling it a long time ago as I realized that not a single well-known truther is real. Not a one. They're all linked to the worldwide military it seems. Stunning.

One more thing. I prefer audios to videos, chats and forums. It's harder to infiltrate. Here's my audio resume:

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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyFri 15 Jan 2010, 12:09 am

IP wrote:
In summary, my primary problem with Watt is that he provides very low quality and incomplete information that leads his listeners down a dead end road, toward helplessness, possible depression, and more magical thinking (ie. the Masons run the world). In general, he does not steer his listeners in directions that will allow them to attain critical consciousness, ultimately thinking for themselves. I view him as someone who creates an endless dependency for the audience on the cult personality.

For example, Watt tells his listeners about key figures such as Theodor Adorno, but insead of walking his listeners down the road of the Dialectic of Mass Enlightenment and the myriad of his other important work, he merely stresses that Adorno wrote the music for the Beatles, which I have been unable to confirm in any event.

But I think the kicker is when one comes to understand what it is that Watt actually believes, or says that he believes, and that is the "writings" of Glenn Kealey, who supposedly published these beliefs in a newspaper bulletin years before Watt began his talk show career.

Here's a reasonably extensive document that shows that Watt got some of his material form Kealey, and what the beliefs are that are being espoused by Watt, including the notion that "Freemasons are 'freed slaves'of a race of subterranean secret creators of our civilization called Troglodytes."


I couldn't agree more with this. I used to listen to the guy on every show he did then when I started reading the source material he refers to I found that he was spinning the content, facts, and thought of the researchers he constantly refers to propaganda style.
And then there is the entire direct ripping off of crazy Kealey's troglodytes nonsense. I bought Watt's books and have compared them to pages of the Kealey Papers myself. He wholesale ripped most of the material for his first two Cutting Through books straight from Trogman.
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They Live

They Live

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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyFri 15 Jan 2010, 12:56 am

IP wrote:

Whoa, I didn't know Watt wholesale ripped off Kealey. Thanks for the doc. That shit is bizzare... I never actually read Watt's book.

MarkusAllen wrote:
Hello men. I'm the guy who wrote the controlled opposition post at my site.

My name is Mark Allen.
Thank Mark for the list and welcome.

But just to get us off on the right foot, I'm guessing you probably know that Fintan Dunne used his CIA Fakes list to gain popularity and listeners. And as you know, he's a willing pawn.

So, maybe you can start a thread with one of your audios that you think might be of interest, and I'll give you my input.
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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyFri 15 Jan 2010, 4:22 am

Well I just liked Alan Watt mainly because of his style -- the soothing voice, with pauses between thoughts, almost hypnotic in a way. But it's the same stuff over and over again without going past the surface, so it is getting boring now.

I disagree about the Trogs though. He has a parody about reptilians on his front page:
Quote :
For those who wish information on Reptilian people, rather than waste my time, please check the entertainment sections of major bookstores or visit the local zoo and look up these particular categories: Crocodilia, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Testudines. If the department head is in good form he may answer some questions, depending on how hot or cold-blooded he feels at the time, but generally he's a good egg. Etc...

He also had a talk on "reptilian" and other fantasy rhetoric in general. So it's definitely not something he would espouse seriously.


Quote :
And here's a live listing of psyops proving that the military is always hunting for paid sh*t stirrers:

I did notice a lot of shit stirrers on various forums, emerging in the past year especially. (One example is how the Dow Jones Google Finance forum had devolved.) It's not hard to see through them in some cases -- although much of the time they actually believe what they are saying. But why are they encouraged? Is there some kind of destabilization project?
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Silent Wind

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One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition   One Guy's List of Controlled Opposition EmptyMon 18 Jan 2010, 11:10 pm

ramallamamama wrote:
Quote :
Freemasons are 'freed slaves'of a race of subterranean secret creators of our civilization called Troglodytes.

Why do you hate troglodytes so much IP? Wink

Great list, I hope to hear some of those listed defend themselves.

Ive been doing some reseach and a movie that covers the troglodytes breaking free is El Topo.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Topo - I have not seen this by the way just pulling some others information on revalation.
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