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 South Stream must be reanimated.

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Join date : 2014-12-18

South Stream must be reanimated. Empty
PostSubject: South Stream must be reanimated.   South Stream must be reanimated. EmptyThu 18 Dec 2014, 9:27 am

I can hardly support Merkel's austerity policy allegedly aimed at making economic situation in Europe healthier. You all can see the results of this policy in Greece, Spain and some other countries. Unemployment, street violence, reduced social programs and so on and so forth......
The story with the frozen South Stream project is totally beyond my understanding. If realized, it would be vital for economic stability in central and South Europe. It could create lots of working positions and help in reducing unemployment.
Can we rely on shale gas could as sort of substitution? Nope! Do you know that Americans give up shale gas drilling in the state of New York and many other locations inside the USA due high risks for health and environment? Further, the shale gas is going to be much more expensive than the Russian gas delivered via South Stream! Reanimation of South Stream has no alternative now imo.
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South Stream must be reanimated.
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