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 Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes...

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Germanic Fox

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Join date : 2013-09-23

Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes... Empty
PostSubject: Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes...   Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes... EmptyTue 19 Nov 2013, 11:45 am

Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes... Casualties_Compared_by_lahandi

"The Moral Dimension is demonstrated by the photograph on the front page of the Washington Post... there are two women there... One is a Arab Woman who is grieving and the next women there was a Hamas Rocket which hit the town in which she lives and she is being consoled about it by a policemen. We can't be indifferent about it... The Hamas people have provoked Israel and there is no doubt about it and they have harassed Israel... But does the repose have to be on that scale?"

Zbigniew Brzezinski http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/12/30/zbigniew-brzezinski-calls_n_154211.html

"In 2006, the Israeli Ministry of Defense viewed the Qassams as "more a psychological than physical threat.""
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Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes...   Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes... EmptyThu 05 Dec 2013, 1:01 am

Hamas is bascially a humanitarian organization that provides education, healthcare, food & shelter to people in need. Only a very small fraction of Hamas is hostile. But of course, that's what gets all of the airplay.

"For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
David Thoreau (1817-1862)
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Everything you need to know about Qassams in three quotes...
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