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 The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard)

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The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) Empty
PostSubject: The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard)   The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) EmptyWed 04 Sep 2013, 7:17 pm

This is essential reading.

Here's the link to the PDF File

The blog post can be found at the following link, but that post does not include all of the PDF's text.

"For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
David Thoreau (1817-1862)
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The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard)   The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) EmptySun 08 Sep 2013, 12:35 pm

Still mulling this over...amazin, amazin afro
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The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard)   The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) EmptyTue 10 Sep 2013, 7:24 pm

It all boils down to Signals and Boundaries in the world of communications and messaging. These are nothing other than fancy terms for hurding people through a rhizome (ie type of complicated and complete network). Just think cattle (ie public); Boundaries (i.e. gates and fences); Signals (ie. cracking of whips and hootin & hollerin'). That's how they manipulate our observations, orientations and get us to decide and act how they wish. Now you understand the most complex of the sciencies... complexity theory. Nothing other than pushing the public in the direction sought.

"For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
David Thoreau (1817-1862)
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The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard)   The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) EmptyThu 12 Sep 2013, 10:51 am

C1 wrote:
It all boils down to Signals and Boundaries in the world of communications and messaging.  These are nothing other than fancy terms for hurding people through a rhizome (ie type of complicated and complete network).  Just think cattle (ie public); Boundaries (i.e. gates and fences); Signals (ie. cracking of whips and hootin & hollerin').  That's how they manipulate our observations, orientations and get us to decide and act how they wish.  Now you understand the most complex of the sciencies... complexity theory.  Nothing other than pushing the public in the direction sought.
Is that really the raison d'etre behind the creation of complexity theory??
I am totally amazed (not unusual for me these days, alas)  

So, at bottom, this is just an alternate version of the Bernays  "f**k 'em" philosophy, masked in language designed to sound intellectual--,so as to intimidate and convince?

And are all the intellectuals in the respective field taken in by this--or are they
colluding, or 'what'?

Fascinating!! PLEASE elaborate....
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The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard)   The Precession of Simulacra Explained (Jean Baudrillard) EmptyFri 20 Sep 2013, 10:07 pm

ScoutsHonor wrote:
C1 wrote:
It all boils down to Signals and Boundaries in the world of communications and messaging.  These are nothing other than fancy terms for hurding people through a rhizome (ie type of complicated and complete network).  Just think cattle (ie public); Boundaries (i.e. gates and fences); Signals (ie. cracking of whips and hootin & hollerin').  That's how they manipulate our observations, orientations and get us to decide and act how they wish.  Now you understand the most complex of the sciencies... complexity theory.  Nothing other than pushing the public in the direction sought.
Is that really the raison d'etre behind the creation of complexity theory??
I am totally amazed (not unusual for me these days, alas)  

So, at bottom, this is just an alternate version of the Bernays  "f**k 'em" philosophy, masked in language designed to sound intellectual--,so as to intimidate and convince?

And are all the intellectuals in the respective field taken in by this--or are they
colluding, or 'what'?

Fascinating!! PLEASE elaborate....
Signals & Boundaries are really the building blocks that I think lead to information theory, which showed how information could be controled and directed in order to control entropy, or order.  The Network then become a more advanced technique of building multimensional boundaries for signals, thereby making informatoin control more complex, more deceptive, and thereby more effective.  And yes, Complexity Theory grew out of this.  So, I guess you can follow the evolution, but there were lots of revelations and steps.

Not sure I understand the Bernays reference, and I probably don't have enough info myself to answer your other questions.

"For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
David Thoreau (1817-1862)
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