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 Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted

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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptyFri 19 Feb 2010, 8:52 pm

Eustace Mullins' Last Interview, with Jan Irvin - US Financial System Co-opted
  • US Treasury is an empty building
  • Treasury Closed in 1913 by Federal Reserve Act.
  • IRS is just a collection for private bank
  • All Tax collection must be deposited into a FED bank within 24hours.
  • Cost of Gov't is borrowed every year.
  • Taxes go to pay debt on budget, not to budget itself.
  • Dept of Treasure is not sole fiscal agent of American people.
  • USD printing presses in Holocaust Museum on 14th St. in DC.
  • Usury is inflation resulting from money creation.
  • Debt can never be paid.
  • We can't even pay interest now, so system must collapse.

Original full interview

Part 1

Part 2


"For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
David Thoreau (1817-1862)
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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySat 20 Feb 2010, 1:32 pm

I cannot understand why "they" let this man live, with information which is so utterly incredible and damaging.

Maybe they allowed him to live precisely because No-one would believe him, and they could thereby discredit all criticism as "kooky conspiracy theory." ??
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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySat 20 Feb 2010, 2:56 pm

Explorer wrote:
I cannot understand why "they" let this man live, with information which is so utterly incredible and damaging.

Maybe they allowed him to live precisely because No-one would believe him, and they could thereby discredit all criticism as "kooky conspiracy theory." ??

I think he said in the interview the theory part of conspiracy theory was invented to 'pooh pooh' his research.
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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySun 21 Feb 2010, 11:44 am

Thanks for the input. I need to read his book, as I'm really curious as to how it differs from Griffin's and especially am I interested in what was left out! I understand it concerns the gold standard; I've always thought the gold standard was the most desirable economic path but now it seems, maybe not. Hmmm.
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Ben Steigmann

Ben Steigmann

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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySun 06 Jun 2010, 11:40 am

Be sure to read Zarlenga's "The Lost Science of money", mentioned in the interview: http://www.scribd.com/doc/22064760/Lost-Science-of-Money

Last edited by inquirer on Sun 06 Jun 2010, 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySun 06 Jun 2010, 12:16 pm

Thanks Inquirer, if I happen across his book I'll give it a read.

#041 -Money's Dirty Little Secret - An Interview with Stephen Zarlenga, Part 1

#057 - Why Gold and Silver are NOT the Answer - An Interview with Stephen Zarlenga, Part 2

#067 - A Response to the Austrian School - An Interview with Stephen Zarlenga, Part 3
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Ben Steigmann

Ben Steigmann

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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySun 08 Aug 2010, 12:17 am

We are all aware of the book "The Biological Jew" and other antisemitic writings attributed to Mullins. The question is, were they authored by Mullins, or were they forgeries by the ADL? There is reason to suspect the ladder.

First - I own "Secrets of the Federal Reserve", "The Great Betrayal", "The Rape of Justice", "Murder by Injection", "A Writ for Martyrs", and "The Curse of Canaan". In not one of these titles is "The Biological Jew" or another of the antisemitic screeds attributed to Mullins mentioned as one of his other books.

Second - if one compares the books I just mentioned to the antisemitic screeds attributed to Mullins, they will find a great deal of stylistic difference.

Third, in the comments for the following excerpt from an interview with Mullins:

RaisingKundalini brought up an important point: "From 1:16 Eustace left an extremely important statement: "In fact, I point out that all the conspiracies in history - especially during the last 5000 years - is actually different aspects of the same conspiracy. Some people fixed on one aspect of the conspiracy, and say this is the problem, others say another thing, but the thing is all the conspirators work together. All the conspirators are part of the same operation. And this is what people find very reluctant."" (I disagree with this, for I believe that such a viewpoint makes people focus on WHO, rather than WHAT)

A commenter named axltyler correctly noted: "That statement right there vindicates Mullins from charges of "anti-Semitism.""

RaisingKundalini then said: "Eustace wasn't an anti-Semite. He was very much concentrating on Zionism, like Eric Jon Phelps concentrated on the Jesuits and Fritz Springmeier on the Bloodlines. Eustace had lots of jewish friends, and some of them assisted him with his research. All these fantasies on Eustace being an anti-Semite are coming from Rothschild's ADL. In the long interview with The Spectrum Magazine Eustace told Rick Martin that the ADL even went so far to publish anti-Semitic articles under Eustace's name."

Let's look at that Spectrum Magazine Article, on p. 46. Eustace Mullins said: http://www.truthwinds.com/siterun_data/spectrum/volume4/S0403.pdf

"Martin: How did you get stigmatized with the incorrect label of "anti-Semite"?

Mullins: It was simply through my association with Conde McGinley and Common Sense, a Jewish operation. I was only called anti-Semitic because I was associated with a Jew. I was working for a Jew.

Martin: And yet, that has stuck.

Mullins: It has stuck ever since. Some of the articles I didn't even write that appeared in Common Sense, the ADL wrote them and put them under my name, after I broke with Common Sense. They continued to publish anti-Jewish articles by Eustace Mullins, which I had never written. They wrote them, and of course, they were about as anti-Jewish as you can get, because they were written by the ADL.

This is how anti-Semitism and terrorism are the whole basis of the State of Israel. It wouldn't exist without either one."

It is entirely reasonable to suggest they would do this. Lets us assume that you are a parasitic criminal cartel, and a central aspect of your operations was the monetization of debt by fiat. Then, a student of the political prisoner Ezra Pound discovers the evil nature of this operation, and writes a book exposing it. If you kill him, this brings awareness to his message, so, being highly cunning, you devise another strategy. You burn copies of his book in countries where he is virtually unknown (Germany), and you forge articles in his name so that you cause damage to his work and reputation. These articles would be the most extreme things you could imagine, and would be qualitatively different from his other (authentic) works.

C.S. Lewis ingeniously realized, in his novel called "the Screwtape Letters", that noise creation was the most effective means of destruction. The FBI realized this when conducting their COINTELPRO program, and a study of the military's psychological warfare documents reveals this to be a highly regarded practice among MIC (Military-Industrial Complex) elites.

Fourth, in "The Curse of Canaan", Mullins does, unfortunately, fall prey to 19th century delusions, and makes a racial interpretation of the Bible. However, his interpretation is utterly different from what you state it is. In ch. 1 of "the Curse of Canaan", he declares that much of the iniquity in history was caused by the descendants of Canaan, who became the Phoenecians, who became the Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa, who became the rulers of the Anglo-Dutch empire.

Other analysts as diverse as R. Buckminister Fuller (in "Critical Path"), and Webster Tarpley (in "Against Oligarchy"), took notice of the Phoenecian-Venetian precedents to the current power structure.

Interestingly, Mullins writes that the descendants of Canaan declared war against the descendants of Shem. He then declares the descendants of Shem to be the "Semites"! He says, on p. 30, "The World was now swept by two diametrically opposed tides of history. On the one hand were the highly creative and productive descendants of Shem, who have since become known as Semites, and on the opposing side were the "cursed Canaanites," who were historically the anti-Semites".

Now, I find it somewhat laughable that Mullins used the Bible as a Historical source. I also find it somewhat repulsive that he had these antiquated 19th Century ideas of race. But incredibly, "the world's most notorious anti-Semite" wrote a huge defense of the Semites!

Now, I believe that the racial thesis of Semites, non-Semites, etc., is absurd. But I'll leave that for later.

Last edited by inquirer on Sun 08 Aug 2010, 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptySun 08 Aug 2010, 5:19 am

Thanks for the great post, inquirer.
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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptyTue 04 Jan 2011, 3:36 am

incognito wrote:
Thanks for the great post, inquirer.

I second this - great post!
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Ben Steigmann

Ben Steigmann

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Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted   Eustace Mullins' Last Interview - US Financial System Co-opted EmptyTue 04 Jan 2011, 7:19 pm

youngbuck wrote:
incognito wrote:
Thanks for the great post, inquirer.

I second this - great post!

I was mistaken. When I wrote that, I hadn't listened to the interview in which he called "The Biological Jew" a "scholarly work": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqVt02S8KxA&NR=1

Mullins was a bigot. I can understand why he did what he did, given the Judaic contribution to Zionism and Bolshevism, both of which had disastrous effects. These unfortunate realities can be summarized in the following two videos:

see also this: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=573_1207852775

Still, he in fighting his enemies, Mullins took on some of their attributes.

There is a lot of truth in Mullins' writings, but it is much better to bypass him and go directly to the sources he cites, especially when arguing with opponents.
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