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 “I’m much too smart to get taken in”

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Posts : 788
Join date : 2009-10-20
Location : in the rainforest

“I’m much too smart to get taken in” Empty
PostSubject: “I’m much too smart to get taken in”   “I’m much too smart to get taken in” EmptySat 24 Oct 2009, 12:35 am

IP mentioned in a RPFs thread something about targeted individuals.
This person has a lot of extremely interesting info on the topic.


“I’m much too smart to get taken in”

I just spent some time sitting in on another
Freedom From Covert Harassment And Surveillance conference call,
and listening to a long term targeted individual explain that the idea
that someone could just walk in to her office and start slandering an
employee – and make the accusations stick – is ridiculous. It is a
fact of the world we live in that even after years of awareness of
their targeting, many TI’s are unaware of different aspects of the
experience and find them unbelievable.

(I’ve talked to TI’s who don’t believe in media mirroring,
others who don’t believe in the massive efforts that go into gang
stalking campaigns, and still others who don’t take the electronic
harassment component seriously. Then there are those who’ve peered
into the abyss of high technology and believe literally everything odd
in their lives is induced through the use of advanced technology like
plasma fields, implanted chips, and invisibility cloaks.)

People who think strangers can’t intrude in their lives and inject
slanderous beliefs about a targeted individual are mistaken. I like to
use the example of police going around and talking to people in the
TI’s life, but that’s only one possible tactic.

We all know about the manpower and intelligence capabilities that
are mobilized against a TI. Why can’t these capabilities also be
mobilized against critically important people in the TI’s life, like a
supervisor or potential employer?

Once it is determined that the TI holds beliefs of some sort that
are deeply offensive to his supervisor, for example, infiltrators in
the company can try to draw out those beliefs in the supervisor’s
presence. The TI might be a devout Christian in a majority Muslim
community, or an atheist or gay in the Bible Belt, or a Republican in a
blue state. There are any number of issues that can be exploited in
this way.

Whispering campaigns in the supervisor’s social network can work
wonders. Sure, you’re not going to believe a total stranger with no
credentials who tells you something awful about an employee, but what
if someone you know and trust happens to wander into the workplace,
sees the TI and is visibly taken aback, and then shares something
horrible about the TI’s activities last weekend with you? And the
story seems to jibe with what you know about where the TI was? And
then you get confirmation from others in your social network?

Blacklisting won’t work nearly so neatly. A lot depends on how easy
it is to just walk in off the street and get the job. I’ve found that
even now, I can walk into any food service operation and hold down a
job, for a while. Higher level positions that require any kind of
background checking can be denied the TI through these slander
campaigns. Alternatively, the TI’s resume might simply never reach the
right people, thanks to saboteurs inside the company.

Mind control is about overwhelming a person’s senses with
misinformation, so he’ll make decisions that the controllers want. The
TI’s I talk to are aware of their targeting, and yet even as they are
aware, many are unwittingly under other forms of mind control. Getting
deceived has nothing to do with being smart; it has everything to do
with being mind-controlled.
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Posts : 788
Join date : 2009-10-20
Location : in the rainforest

“I’m much too smart to get taken in” Empty
PostSubject: Media mirroring as mind control   “I’m much too smart to get taken in” EmptySat 24 Oct 2009, 4:41 am


Media mirroring as mind control

Media mirroring was an aspect of the TI experience I hadn’t been
willing to talk about, because the effort involved seemed truly
immense, and made me feel I’d been singled out for special persecution
even by TI standards. But a chance conversation on a blog alerted me
to the use of this tactic on others.

Media mirroring is a disturbing tactic, and one that may be used on
many people who are unaware of the significance of coincidences they
encounter in television programming; even many TI’s find it hard to
believe in. It’s something I’m going to have to work up to in this

I haven’t owned a TV since 1992, but in shared living situations
like the one I was in until recently, a TV with cable hookup was
available, so I watched it. I told myself that as long as I only
watched “the good stuff”, TV wasn’t that harmful, and even a pleasant

I no longer think there is any “good stuff” on TV, and TV isn’t worth
watching, even if it’s free. To help you understand why I think this
way, let me go off on a tangent about creativity.

Creativity is an innate human ability. It isn’t necessary to
nurture this trait to enable it to come out. Public education is used
as a form of psychological conditioning to suppress creative impulses,
so they are only expressed in ways that are acceptable to the State.
For example, creative energy might be directed towards belittling
others who openly question officially sanctioned lies.

Pay-for-creativity is a form of mind control. When you’re getting
feedback based on whether your thoughts – expressed through whatever
medium you’re using – are “good”, when your ability to survive and
obtain shelter depends on getting positive feedback, then you naturally
channel your thoughts in directions that favor the entities offering
you feedback.

People do not have to be offered incentives to be creative. Just
take a look at the Open Source movement, where skilled
computer programmers give away their work for
free, or at the rapidly growing arsenal of how-to videos and
individuals’ entertainment videos on YouTube.

Given that the supply of creativity greatly outclasses the ability
of television to deliver it in video form, television executives have
no shortage of options when considering what to broadcast. Much of
what goes on at TV studios is a winnowing process, eliminating
television programming ideas that do not fit a corporate-approved mind
control agenda. The survivors of this process know how the game is
played. They might seem to be free, and creative, but they have
internalized boundaries for their creativity. Those who overstep the
invisible boundaries get reprimanded, fired, or even targeted.

What I’ve said up until now isn’t very controversial. The idea that
television is a mind control platform has been accepted by a large and
growing number of people. However, targeted individuals have come face
to face with a much more personalized level of control, and television
– allegedly a broadcast medium – plays a role.
Let’s get back to media mirroring. Several TI’s, including myself,
have encountered instances of television programs that we watch
regularly containing messages that are specifically directed at us.
I’ll describe a few of the ways in which this has happened to me.

  • Stuttering: the television program won’t be
    altered, but the cable connection will flake out at a specific time,
    for example when a character on a TV mentions a triggering phrase.
  • Scheduling: syndicated reruns are usually
    scheduled on pretty short notice. Reruns of a program I watched
    regularly were chosen on the basis of what I had been doing or talking
    about a few days before.
  • Altering: I encountered a few instances where
    reruns were altered to contain messages specifically directed at me,
    and I compared the episode on DVR to what was available on Hulu
    to confirm they had been altered in the places I’d noticed. The
    alterations were minor, for example changing the color of a stationary
    object, or changing verbiage on signs. By the way, confirmation via
    Hulu might stop working once perps get more sophisticated and start
    modifying video streams coming from your Internet Service Provider.
  • Original content: To me, this is the creepiest
    kind of media mirroring. New episodes of a program I was watching (a
    cartoon) had content that was specifically directed at me. In some
    cases, the episodes came out only a few days after the experiences in
    my life they were mocking. I haven’t verified whether all of these
    alterations are available on the official broadcast copies, via Hulu,
    but some of them are.

One widely held belief that seems crazy to challenge is that TV is a
broadcast medium, that whatever you’re watching on TV is exactly the
same as what everyone else tuned to the same channel at the same time
is watching. I and others have seen evidence directly contradicting
this belief.

A couple of questions come to mind. How many others are these
techniques being used on, without being aware of it? And how is it
accomplished? I can only try to tackle the second question, and even
then I can offer only theories, not definitive answers.

For the altered syndicated programming I’ve seen, I believe perps
have plenty of time to fire up a video editor and make minor
modifications, and sneak a copy into the local TV station.

For original content, in some cases the TI might be getting a
customized view. Lots of material in TV shows ends up on the cutting
room floor. That material might wind up in a copy rebroadcast in the
TI’s viewing area.

In other cases, the TI’s adventures might be milked for their
entertainment value, and shared with a world wide audience. Anything
for ratings…
Alternatively, the TI’s handlers might know of the material in a TV
show the TI will be watching in advance, and arrange street theater or
neurolinguistic programming in the TI’s life so the material will be a

It’s an interesting topic of discussion (how they do it), but the
important lesson to take away here is that the infrastructure is in
place to deliver customized messages via broadcast media such as
television. We shouldn’t assume that it’s restricted to video; print
media might also be customized. On the other hand, it’s reasonable to
assume that these capabilities are widely used, and not just against
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